The HomeGlide Outdoor stairlift is the ideal solution to all outdoor straight staircase requirements, due to its simplicity and dependability. For more than 60 years people all over the world have benefitted from its convenience, comfort and smooth ride. It is an elegant and attractive addition to any home. It may be fitted directly onto a staircase to glide effortlessly along its aluminium track. Quality, service and reliability are fundamental to its design, meeting stringent international safety standards.

It is powerful enough to manage weight up to 138kg. An incorporated signal beeping system will inform the user for any unexpected situations. The straight rail may be cut at an angle to make the rail finish flat to the floor, reducing the distance between the footrest and the floor.

The on/off switch keeps the batteries charged whenever you are away (on holiday) and for even more convenience, it comes with two remote control handsets. Their slim design allows for convenient positioning near the top and bottom of stairs, also serving other members of the household.

The stairlift neatly folds away, to provide obstruction-free passage when not in use. A weatherproof cover is provided for additional protection, when it is not in use.


Following any installation, our engineer provides comprehensive demonstration and orientation to ensure that our clients are well acquainted with the easy to operate controls, and are fully familiar with its use.

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